Xilinx Zynq Virtual Platform article written by Posedge Software published on Cadence Blog
An article written by Henry Von Bank of Posedge Software on integrating Xilinx C behavioral models in the Zynq Virtual Platform was published on Jason Andrew’s blog at cadence.com.
New Website Launched
New Posedge Software website launched!
Posedge Software presents at DAC09 Virtual Platform Workshop
Posedge Software employee Henry Von Bank presented at the DAC09 Virtual Platform Workshop about Software and System Verification for the MIPS Malta Platform. His presentation and others are available at DAC09 Virtual Platform Workshop
Posedge Software – OVP consulting services available
Posedge Software is now providing consulting services for Open Virtual Platforms (OVP) and Imperas tools. A datasheet with more information about available services can be downloaded from here.
Posedge Software – Specman Elite/ISX consulting services available
Posedge Software is now providing consulting services for Cadence’s Specman(R) Elite and Incisive(R) Software Extensions.
Posedge Software achieves Cadence IPCM Certification
Having demonstrated expertise in system-level verification, Posedge Software has earned Incisive(R) Plan-to-Closure Methodology (IPCM) certified status from Cadence.
HW/SW Co-Verification Book with Posedge Software Connection Published
Two Posedge Software employees, Dave Von Bank and Daniel Heit, along with the book author, Jason Andrews, formed the nucleus of the team, which commercialized the Virtual CPU product mentioned in the book
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